Sunday, April 27, 2008

eeee. got my fall schedule! i'm so freakin' excited. i went to SAIC's artbash today, and i got to see two of my teachers. they seem pretty cool. artbash is a art showing/gallery of selected works of freshman in the first year program. a lot of the stuff was really amazing, and i don't know how i will ever do anything on the same level as what i saw school is gonna kick my butt you guys.

but the whole discussion with the professors reassured me. i'm not as scared about the first year program as i was before. but one of my teachers made me feel better when he said, "just embrace your inner dork."

and i have to agree, dude.

anyway, here's my schedule for anyone who cares:

Mon - Research Studio I (Hall) 9AM - 4PM
Tues - World Clt/Civ Prehistory - 19th (Merkle) 1PM - 4PM
Wed - FYS: Literature of Witness (Durgin) 9AM - 12PM; SAIC Wired: Cult/Comm on WWW (TBA) 1PM - 12:30PM
Thurs - Core Studio Practice (Isenstein, Papish, Lacy) 9AM - 4PM
Fri - Int Photographic Image Making (Bilal) 9AM - 4PM

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